Embracing Self-Love through Fitness

By Kait Coward

Self love is not a new concept and is steadily finding its way to popularity. However, it’s not an easy concept to practice, especially for women who are biologically built to be nurturing and place others’ needs first before even thinking of their own. Too often we are worn down or too busy to think about our own physical or mental health.

One of the many tricky aspects of self-love is inherent to the term: It pertains to the self. What self-love looks like for me may not be what it looks like for you. And with every season of life, self love may look different.

However, one thing that doesn’t change is the one body you were given to show love to.

Exercise is not just a means to fix “imperfections” or things we’d like to physically change about our bodies; it truly is a form of self-care that affects our attitudes, moods, stress, and anxieties. It has the ability to build our confidence and remove these mental obstacles we tend to face. Personally, after a workout, I’m in the best mood and it leads to a more productive day. I'm happier, I focus on better eating, I have more energy and I sleep better.

For some, exercise is a form of punishment. Punishment for having an “off day” or over indulging on “bad food”, thinking that if we workout harder, we can burn off those extra calories never getting off the hamster wheel of the restriction and binge diet. I’ve also had clients who have obsessed over the number they saw on the scale, tying their self worth and happiness to a smaller number. However, as we consistently worked out, they realized the number on the scale wasn't that important and exercise isn’t punishment. Through fitness they were able to build muscle, see their strength improve, and find their relationships with food become much healthier.

So what are some tips you could take through fitness to improve your self-love?

First, determine your ‘WHY’ and set realistic goals. Your ‘why’ is there for days when you need to lean on something bigger than day to day motivation. There’s also a huge sense of accomplishment when we achieve the goals we set for ourselves.  This can look as simple as walking 20 min today. Remember, something is absolutely better than nothing!

If you’re a mother, CEO, a woman with many responsibilities- don’t be afraid to ask for help in prioritizing yourself. I’ve trained several mom’s or business owners who experience guilt when they’re away but carving out time in the schedule for you is essential in not just physical health, but mental health as well. You’re becoming a better version of yourself by doing this in turn giving the people around you a better version as well!

Create a healthy relationship with food.  Food is fuel for our bodies, not made up of “good food” and “bad foods” mixed in with cheat meals.  Carbs are essential. Protein is needed in protecting your muscles and bones.  And eating a cookie doesn’t mean you “messed up” your diet.  Everything in moderation. When we fuel our bodies with nutrient dense foods, we are much happier and productive in our day.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a date night or pizza with your kids.  Prioritize whole foods first, and sprinkle in the fun but stop thinking of food as rewards/punishment.

These tips are just scratching the surface of finding self love and empowerment through fitness. The main goal is to not feel overwhelmed. Start today by doing one thing for yourself.  No distractions, no guilt. Just you and your body!  If you have any questions please reach out and I’d love to help!

Coach Kait

C7 Training


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